Your Dog Lives with Us like they Stay with You
Our top priority is the safety, health, and well-being of your dog(s) while you relax and enjoy a fun, worry free vacation, secure in the knowledge that your pups are being well looked after and having a fun time themselves. We have over 40 years' experience in professional dog handling, care and training. Your dog's care, health and happiness is our goal as they become part of our canine family, enjoying themselves so much they don't want to leave and often come back frequently!
As the owner of the above referenced dog(s) in my Registration Form, I understand that The Love of Dogs and its employees, will exercise due care to protect the health and safety of my dog while in their care, and in the event my dog becomes ill or sustains an injury, I have given permission for those in charge to take whatever steps necessary to obtain medical treatment for my dog, an I agree to pay all charges incurred. The Love of Dogs will make every effort to retain the services of my preferred veterinarian as stated in my Registration Form; however in the event that is not in the best interest of the dog's health (due to distance and time to get to my preferred veterinarian), I consent to the highly qualified and recommended veterinarian being retained by The Love of Dogs or any after-hours Emergency Veterinarian Hospital to care for my dog in case of emergency.
I'm aware my dog will be interacting with other dogs; I understand that I am boarding my dog(s) in an environment where they will be socializing with people and other dogs of all sizes and breeds. The Love of Dogs will take reasonable care to prevent any unnecessary injury, death, sickness or loss. As always, there is always a risk involved with the interaction of dogs, there is a chance of injury; I assume all risks of injury to my dog. While in transportation to any veterinarian clinic, The Love of Dogs will take reasonable care to prevent any unnecessary injury, death or loss. I assume all risks of injury, death, sickness or loss.
By boarding my dog(s) at The Love of Dogs, I agree not to file any legal charges against The Love of Dogs, Katy and Glenn McTaggart, or any employees for any injury, death, sickness or loss of my dog. I hear by waive and release The Love of Dogs, Katy and Glenn McTaggart or their employees from any liability of any nature for any injury, death, sickness or loss of my dog resulting from The Love of Dogs actions or from the actions of my dog or any other dog(s) actions to my dog, while in the custody of The Love of Dogs, on or off the property and grounds.
In the event my dog causes injury to another dog or to a person while at The Love of Dogs, I agree to indemnify and subrogate The Love of Dogs from any action which may be brought against it and for any defense, settlement or judgement against The Love of Dogs or Katy and Glenn McTaggart or any employees. I will assume all liability for the actions of my dog.
If I do not pick up my dog on the assigned day of pickup, with no notice or arrangements made of change in pickup date, after five (5) days the dog will be considered abandoned, leaving The Love of Dogs no other option but to contact Fraser Valley Animal Control.
The Love of Dogs has the right to refuse boarding to any dog who may not meet the requirements for health and safety of your dog or other dogs in our care, including overly aggressive dogs.
As the owner of a dog attending The Love of Dogs, I agree to conform to and be bound by the Love of Dogs' policies and procedures, which may be amended as necessary from time to time with full disclosure of any amendments.